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Anet Harris

O: 301-387-4700 M: 301-501-6194

They say West Virginia is “Almost Heaven” but to me, that’s Garrett County. Being born and raised in GC, it wasn’t until I was older that I came to appreciate the beautiful place I live. In 2013, I made a decision that changed my life by joining the Taylor-Made team. I started in the Owner Relations department managing vacation rental homes and serving as the homeowner’s personal liaison. My goal as a real estate agent is to utilize my area and industry knowledge to fulfill your needs through dependability and honesty.

In my spare time, you can find me at the gym, kayaking with my teenage daughter or hiking with my miniature dachshund, Finn.

As a former cheerleader and current cheer coach, I firmly believe in teamwork and am proud to be apart of the best team on the lake!

Anet Harris
Taylor-Made Deep Creek Sales
35 Towne Centre Way
McHenry MD 21541

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